Utility Credit program begins
Community Resources Council and the City of Topeka offer utility credit
JANUARY 25, 2016 – CRC is happy to announce the beginning of the 2015 City of Topeka Franchise Fee Credit Program. CRC administers the Franchise Fee Credit Program, a City of Topeka program that provides eligible households a standardized credit by utility. Each approved household can qualify for up to $175 in credit for the calendar year 2015.
To qualify for the City of Topeka Franchise Fee Credit Program you must:
- Be a city resident (homeowner or renter) with electric, gas, water/waste AND
- Have a household income of less than $32,400; AND
- Be born before January 1, 1959 OR be blind OR totally and permanently disabled OR have a dependent child living at home under the age of 18
Those who meet the requirements listed above should call CRC at 233-1365 to schedule an appointment.
The Community Resources Council links with other collaborative groups to address specific needs in the community. This is accomplished through the development of community-wide initiatives that avoid duplication of services, maximize available resources, implement community plans designed to meet a specific outcome, and monitor progress. CRC’s mission is to connect the resources in our community through Collaboration, Advocacy, Research and Education.
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If you would like more information, please contact Emma Starkey, Director of Communications and Education at 785-233-1365 or email at estarkey@crcnet.org.