Monthly Mobile Food Distribution
Join us every 3rd Friday of each month for our Monthly Food Distribution!
Community Resources Council (CRC) and Harvesters host a monthly mobile food distribution, reoccurring every third Friday of each month starting at 3:00 pm at the CRC CARE Center @ Avondale East (455 SE Golf Park Blvd., Topeka, KS 66605).
This is a RAIN OR SHINE Event. First come, first served! Please line up in your cars on the West side of the building along the fence line facing East. Please stay in your vehicles and be ready to open your trunk or have a space already clear to place your food! NO PAPERWORK NEEDED! Please be courteous of our volunteers, as they are doing their best to keep the line moving! We appreciate your patience and look forward to helping our community fill this food insecurity need!
Mobile food distributions provide nutritious food to families in need of emergency food assistance in areas where access to traditional food pantries is limited. This food distribution enables Harvesters to quickly and efficiently provide large quantities of healthy food where it is needed most.
There is no charge for food distributed at this or any of Harvesters’ mobile food distributions. Mobile food pantry participants are asked to self-certify that they are in need of the food they are receiving or are picking up food for a family in need.
If you have any questions please call CRC CARE Center @ Avondale: 785-233-1365