June Tenant Spotlight

Our June Tenant Spotlight is... Oakland Gardens

The Heart of Oakland Gardens

 We are a group of folks who know the value of community and gardening. Our goals are to create a garden in Oakland that brings together gardeners and those who want to become gardeners, sharing our knowledge and skills. The food grown is distributed to the community free of charge. We hope to build community through making new friends and learning new skills, building on each other’s strengths. “
The Oakland Gardens A Community of Growers group is made of volunteers that seek to create a safe, community driven environment for all.  The produce harvested from this garden is given to Oakland neighbors and the Topeka community without charge. 

About The Garden This garden began during the Spring of 2021. During the first season they built 17 raised beds, created 3 bog beds, installed 4 wheelchair accessible beds, built a shed for their tools, planted donated plants including 154 tomato plants, and harvested over a ton of food. Since the first season they have added a gazebo, 3 raised beds, a hoop house, 2 asparagus beds, 1 rhubarb bed, an orchard of 10 fruit trees, and native land beds. 

Get Involved in the Gardening Community              A great way to support this group is to get involved by coming during the Open Garden times to get produce, sit and chat, sign up for the contact list, or follow them on Facebook. Open Garden hours are held every Saturday 9AM-12PM & Wednesday 5PM-7PM. Sign up for the contact list to learn about additional events and gardening days.


           SATURDAY 9AM-12PM           WEDNESDAY5PM-7PM

Another great way to support the Oakland Gardens is to grab one of these shirts for a $25 donation. All proceeds of the shirt sales are going to the rototiller fund. 




Countdown To July Spotlight
